Goal setting prep for 2022
I am planning for next year in a new way and feeling hopeful. 2021 has been a year of exploration in my artwork and internal personal life. I came across some resources in January that catapulted me into making artwork and thinking about my art practice in new ways. Finally, I feel I’m on a road toward a more organized and rewarding art practice instead of an expensive hobby. Multiple resources have helped me along and I’m taking every opportunity to share them. This online lecture inspired me to use a workflow document to track my work projects and commitments. The increase in planning caused me to find and meet grant deadlines. Applying gave me a deeper look my artwork practice and revealed work to be done on my documentation and organizing habits. Discovering this self-assessment further encouraged me toward goal setting for my practice.
Now I’m reflecting on how 2021 went and looking toward 2022. I retook the self-assessment to use current data on myself while considering my goals in the next year. Questions fill my mind when I walk away from it: What if I…. Maybe I could… It’s all rolling around in there! Overwhelm begins to set in again, so it’s back to the rubric from ArtistsThrive! to stay mentally organized. They are using 5 areas, so I too am looking at 5 main goals for my multi-armed art practice which is also a small business.
Practice- Keep up with the workflow document and plan for regular weekly studio time (remember- sketching on walks counts!)
Power- Continue new volunteer relationship with arts non-profit to share creative empowerment ideas and skills.
Planning & Capacity- Create a written plan with goals and seek/apply for opportunities to include and strive for.
Money- Work on a budget plan that aligns with the written plan and improve expense tracking.
Communicating & Connecting- Reset my website to include regular posts that can be shared and continue volunteer art organizing work at the community level.
In planning this way I’m leaning on teacher skills like backwards design to direct my brain first towards to the skill sets I’m pursuing- then to the millions of options and ideas of how to get there.